15 Things People Who Love Themselves Don’t Do

We’re all jealous of those people who seem to love themselves unconditionally. While you may think it’s a bubble bath here and a journaling session there, according to Psychology Today, it’s way more than that. People who have genuinely mastered the art of self-love don’t engage in the following things.

1. They don’t avoid self-reflection

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They’re not afraid to look in the mirror (metaphorically speaking) and do some soul-searching. They regularly check in with themselves, assess their feelings, and aren’t afraid to confront areas where they need growth. Whether they have a professional therapist or act as their own, it’s clear they do the self-work they need to do.

2. They don’t rely on others for their happiness

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While they do place a lot of value on relationships, people who love themselves know that their happiness is ultimately their own responsibility. They don’t expect other people to complete them or solve all their problems. They know that happiness is an inside job and they see their partners as equals, not heroes who are going to save them.

3. They don’t forget to celebrate their wins

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You’ll never catch these people letting their achievements, big or small, go unnoticed. They take time to acknowledge their progress and successes. Whether it’s treating themselves to something special or just taking a moment to breathe and feel proud, they always honor themselves for a job well done. They don’t need their partners to be their biggest fans, they’re already their own.

4. They don’t compare themselves to others

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These people know that the only person they need to compete with is the person they were yesterday. They’ve ditched the comparison game—in real life and on social. They have better things to do than measure their success against others, like focusing on their own growth and progress. As they should.

5. They don’t engage in negative self-talk

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Having a trash-talking session with themselves in the mirror? Not these people. They’ve kicked that inner critic to the curb and replaced it with a supportive inner cheerleader. When they make a mistake, you won’t hear “I’m such an idiot.” Instead, it’s more like, “Oops, let’s learn from this and move on.” They treat themselves with the same kindness they’d offer a good friend. After all, according to Psych Central, self-love encompasses not only how you treat yourself but also your thoughts and feelings about yourself.

6. They don’t neglect their physical health

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People who love themselves treat their bodies like the precious vessels they are. This doesn’t mean they’re all gym rats or health food fanatics. It’s more about listening to their bodies, getting enough rest, staying hydrated, and moving in ways that feel good for them. They know that taking care of their physical health is a form of self-respect.

7. They don’t stay in toxic relationships

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Whether it’s friendships, romantic partnerships, or family dynamics, people who love themselves have a low tolerance for toxicity. They know their worth and aren’t afraid to set boundaries or walk away from relationships that consistently drain them. In other words: they have a good BS detector and will always put themselves first.

8. They don’t dwell on past mistakes

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While they do learn from the past, people who love themselves don’t set up camp there. They acknowledge their mistakes, find the lesson, and then move forward. They know that dwelling on past mistakes only holds them back from their future, so they live with the motto “No regrets.”

9. They don’t settle for less than they deserve

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Whether it’s in their career, relationships, or personal goals, these people know their worth and aren’t afraid to hold out for it. They don’t jump at the first opportunity that comes their way if it doesn’t align with their authentic values and aspirations. They want something to be great, not good enough.

10. They don’t put themselves down to make others comfortable

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You won’t catch these people engaging in self-deprecating humor or downplaying their achievements to fit in. They own their successes and aren’t afraid to shine. They know that dimming their light doesn’t actually make anyone else’s brighter. They’re not turning down their sparkle for anyone and we love that.

11. They don’t let fear hold them back

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While they might feel fear (they’re human, after all), people who love themselves don’t let it paralyze them. They see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than mountain-sized obstacles. They’re good at meeting fear with a swift “I see you, I acknowledge you, but you’re not driving this car.”

12. They don’t neglect their passions

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People with a lot of self-love make time for the things that light them up, whether it’s painting, playing music, gardening, or competitive dog grooming. They know that nurturing their passions is essential for their happiness and don’t push these activities into the “when I have time” category. Joy is a non-negotiable for them.

13. They don’t constantly seek perfection

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People who truly love themselves embrace their imperfections. They know that perfection is a myth and that their quirks and flaws are part of what makes them unique. Instead of striving for an impossible ideal, they focus on being the best version of their authentic selves. That’s a superpower.

14. They don’t say yes when they want to say no

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These people have a healthy relationship with the word “no.” They understand that their time and energy are valuable resources and aren’t afraid to protect them. They don’t overcommit or agree to things that don’t align with their values or goals. It’s like they’ve got a bouncer at the door of their life, and not every request gets in.

15. They don’t ignore their own needs

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They pay attention to their emotional, mental, and physical needs and aren’t afraid to prioritize them. Need a mental health day? They’re taking it. Feeling overwhelmed? They’re not afraid to ask for help. They are absolutely the masters of their own well-being.

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