15 Things Narcissists Say To Subtly Destroy Your Self-Esteem

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Ever been left feeling a little deflated after a conversation with someone? Like they somehow managed to make you question your worth without outright insulting you? Chances are, you’ve encountered a narcissist. These individuals are masters of subtle manipulation, using language as a weapon to erode your self-esteem. Let’s expose their tactics by dissecting 15 common phrases they use to subtly undermine you.

1. “You’re too sensitive.”

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This is a classic narcissist tactic to invalidate your feelings and emotions. By labeling you as “too sensitive,” they think they can dismiss your concerns and make you question your own reactions. This can lead to self-doubt and a reluctance to express yourself in the future.

2. “I was just joking.”

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Narcissists often use humor as a guise for their hurtful comments, Healthline explains. They may say something insulting or demeaning, and when you react, they brush it off as a joke. This can leave you feeling confused and unsure whether to take offense or not.

3. “You’re overreacting.”

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Similar to “you’re too sensitive,” this phrase minimizes your feelings and makes you question your own judgment. Narcissists use this tactic to gaslight you and make you doubt your own perception of reality.

4. “You always/never…”

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These sweeping generalizations are a way for narcissists to paint you in a negative light. By using “always” or “never,” they exaggerate your flaws and make you feel like you can never do anything right.

5. “You’re so lucky to have me.”

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This seemingly positive statement is actually a manipulative tactic to make you feel indebted to them. By constantly reminding you of their supposed superiority, narcissists aim to make you feel less valuable and more dependent on them.

6. “You wouldn’t understand.”

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This phrase is a way for narcissists to belittle your intelligence and make you feel excluded. By implying that you’re not capable of grasping complex ideas or emotions, they elevate themselves and make you feel inferior.

7. “Why are you always so negative?”

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Narcissists often project their own negativity onto you. By accusing you of being negative, they deflect attention from their own flaws and make you feel responsible for their unhappiness.

8. “You’re just like your mother/father.”

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This is a particularly hurtful tactic that taps into your insecurities about your family relationships. By comparing you to a parent you may have a difficult relationship with, narcissists aim to trigger emotional pain and make you feel like you’re destined to repeat their mistakes.

9. “Nobody else would put up with you.”

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This statement is designed to make you feel unlovable and unworthy of affection. By implying that you’re difficult or impossible to tolerate, narcissists isolate you and make you doubt your value in relationships.

10. “If you really loved me, you would…”

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This manipulative phrase is often used to guilt-trip you into doing something you don’t want to do. By framing their requests as a test of your love, narcissists pressure you into complying with their demands.

11. “You’re being dramatic.”

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When you express your emotions or concerns, narcissists may accuse you of being overly dramatic, Psych Central warns. This invalidates your feelings and makes you feel like you’re overreacting or making a big deal out of nothing.

12. “You’re so insecure.”

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Narcissists often project their own insecurities onto you. By calling you insecure, they deflect attention from their own vulnerabilities and make you feel self-conscious and unsure of yourself.

13. “Don’t take it personally.”

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This seemingly innocuous phrase is often used to dismiss your hurt feelings. By telling you not to take offense, narcissists minimize the impact of their hurtful words or actions and make you feel like you’re overreacting.

14. “It’s not a big deal.”

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Similar to “don’t take it personally,” this phrase is used to trivialize your concerns. By downplaying the significance of your feelings or experiences, narcissists make you feel like your problems don’t matter.

15. “You’ll never find anyone better than me.”

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This statement is a way for narcissists to control you and keep you in the relationship. By planting seeds of doubt about your ability to find someone else who values and appreciates you, they make you feel trapped and dependent on them.

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