15 Tactics Used by People Who Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities

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Dealing with tough times in life is never easy. You might become disappointed or discouraged because things aren’t going according to your plan, but you don’t have to feel stuck. These are a few tactics used by people who turn obstacles into opportunities without a second thought.

1. They always stay moving toward a goal.

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Goals help people know they’re on track to achieve the success or happiness they desire. Opportunistic individuals maintain that momentum by refusing to let obstacles slow them down longer than it takes to shift their perspective on whatever challenge they face. The important part is achieving whatever solution you decide is best.

When you accomplish a goal, it boosts your motivation so you’re even more confident in your ability to conquer whatever comes next in your life. Make problem-solving part of your path toward a goal to avoid fearing unforeseen challenges.

2. They reflect on their skill sets.

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Self-reflection is power. When capable people face an obstacle, they reflect on their skill set. What skills do they already have to turn that challenge into an opportunity? It’s a chance to appreciate how your creativity, problem-solving history or communication abilities could be the solution you need.

3. They gauge their emotions when facing an obstacle.

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Thoughtful people pause to evaluate what they’re feeling when a challenge arises. They trace where their emotional reaction is coming from to understand what’s framing their perspective. Unprocessed past trauma might cause instinctive fear that distracts them from a realistic path forward.

Things from your childhood can still affect your emotional regulation skills long into your adult years. If you find that you can’t name or sort through your emotions, therapy could help you get more in touch with your emotional processing abilities.

4. They always accept failures.

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If you accept that a failure happened by detaching your emotional response for the moment, nothing can hold you back. Shame, embarrassment, or fear won’t cloud your vision as you strategize solutions to an obstacle. You can always process those reactive emotions later when you’ve solved whatever challenge is keeping you from your goals.

5. They look for little things to do.

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People who turn obstacles into opportunities view every step forward as equally valuable. The tiny decision you make to push through a challenge is just as helpful as the last step in conquering your goal. Every decision gets you closer to that metaphorical finish line, so don’t overlook your small problem-solving steps and victories along the way.

6. They’re open to trying new things.

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The solution that solved a previous problem might not work the second time around. The situation is likely different. Problem-solvers remain open to trying new ideas because the best way forward is sometimes simply the one that works. Being open to new things also makes people more attractive to potential partners, which might double as a boost in your dating life.

7. They remember sidestepping can be powerful.

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Sometimes, you can’t solve problems by focusing on them. You might need to approach them from a side angle. Even if it takes longer, it’s sometimes the most effective solution.

Picture two people arguing at work. You have to diffuse the situation, but telling them to calm down might not work. They may not even want to talk with you about what’s going on.

A sidestepping perspective would mean addressing each person individually by reminding them why they’re an asset to your team. Appeal to their egos or self-confidence to ground each person, then encourage them to work with you to solve what’s happening.

8. They remember the bigger picture.

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It’s easy to get consumed by focusing on a singular challenge. Effective mindsets remember the bigger picture. You can adopt the same perspective by remembering what your current obstacle is preventing from happening. You’ll maintain your motivation to get past it, which might be the confidence boost you need to think of a solution.

9. They meditate to calm their nervous systems.

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Successful people practice soothing their nervous system so they’re ready in times of crisis. When you encounter an obstacle that makes your anxiety spike, you’ll know how to do the same thing if you practice techniques like meditative breathing.

Problem-solvers start daily habits like meditation to make it an instinctive response when they’re unpacking a new challenge. Meditating is also an opportunity to manifest what you want after overcoming a problem. Try it today by following a video to see if it helps you gain more clarity after calming yourself down.

10. They never feel too proud to ask for help.

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Occasionally, the problem you have to solve will require asking for help. The most capable people view that as an opportunity. Asking for help isn’t a weakness. It’s a chance to practice communicating what you need and working with someone to solve something together. Never let pride hold you back from growing alongside someone.

11. They make backup plans.

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Life occasionally throws curveballs that make the most well-laid plans fall apart. If something goes wrong and an obstacle arises, successful people view it as an opportunity to utilize a backup plan. They keep an open mind to secondary routes to their goals because they know it’s part of being human. You can’t control everything, so don’t expect yourself to.

12. They set realistic goals.

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Overcoming something that only affects you is different from trying to tackle a systemic problem. Some obstacles can only become opportunities when it’s realistically possible. Never set expectations for yourself that you can’t reach. Otherwise, you’ll eventually feel like you’re just treading water.

13. They watch their attitude.

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Your attitude changes your perspective, how other people view you and if they want to help. You can’t control everything, but you can instantly improve your situation if you decide to face a challenge with a positive mindset.

Research even shows that a positive attitude will make you feel more resilient when facing new challenges. Practice this skill while solving the most minor problems so it’s a well-developed instinct when you’re facing greater obstacles.

14. They reverse engineer solutions.

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Figuring your way through a challenge sometimes requires a backward solution. People who transform obstacles into opportunities sometimes imagine starting at their goal and working their way backward. It can help shift your perspective if you feel too overwhelmed by whatever problem is preventing your progress.

15. They accept when they have to start over.

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Opportunities can only arise from challenges if you’re willing to try new tactics. Sometimes, that means admitting that a solution isn’t actually working. Going back to where you started may feel defeating, but it resets the situation so you can ultimately overcome whatever’s facing you.

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