15 Surprising Signs You’re A Natural-Born Leader (Even If You Don’t Feel Like One)

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Lately, several different people in your life have told you that you’d make a great leader. While you appreciate the compliment, you’re a little confused. In fact, the thought of being a leader has never crossed your mind, and honestly, you can’t see yourself going in that direction. Here are several surprising signs that you’re meant to be a leader—even if you don’t feel like one.

1. You’re naturally confident.

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Sure, you went through an awkward phase in high school—we all did—but for the most part, you’re pretty comfortable with who you are, and it shows. All your friends and family say you’re one of the most outgoing people they know. This personality type is contagious and fits well with a natural-born leader.

2. You strive for the greater good.

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When you work towards a specific goal, you have two ultimate outcomes in mind. The first is for yourself, and the second is for the greater good. When presented with a problem, you often see the bigger picture and try to find a solution that will benefit everyone involved. If that doesn’t scream leader, what does?

3. You’re a hard worker.

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You might think natural-born leaders can take advantage of their status and hang back a bit, letting others below them do the lion’s share of the work. However, a true leader will do the opposite. They will show the people they’re in charge of that they’re going to work just as hard and level out the playing field. A true leader won’t believe they’re better than anyone.

4. You’re always looking for ways to learn.

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High school and college are distant memories now, yet you’ve never seemed to be able to let go of your love of learning. Whether reading a book, watching a webinar, or listening to a podcast, you’re always discovering a new topic of interest and learning about it as much as possible.

5. You get to know people.

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How well do you feel you know the people around you? You might be cut out for a leadership role if the answer is like the back of your hand. This is because when you get to know someone, you really get to know them. You ask them all the right questions and listen when they talk to you. You care about who they are and their role in your life.

6. You’re always thinking of the future.

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Natural-born leaders are great at juggling. They think about the tasks right in front of them that need to be completed ASAP and their goals for the future. They always aspire to reach a new level, whether through their career or introspectively.

7. You consider the feelings of others.

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When you work in a group setting, how often do you think about how everyone else feels? Instead of thinking about what you can get from the group project, you try to ensure everyone else is happy with the plan and feels comfortable. You often consider how everyone else is feeling before you think about yourself.

8. You’re a list person.

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One characteristic of a natural-born leader is that they’re organized and love staying organized. They often make lists to keep track of everything that’s going on in their lives. Not only does this help them keep on top of their schedule, but it also gives them a greater sense of accomplishment when they can check off completed tasks.

9. Humility comes easily.

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While becoming a leader requires confidence and self-belief, this must be balanced with self-awareness and humility. People appreciate a leader who knows what they’re doing and believes in it—but they also seek a leader who is prepared to stay humble throughout the process. Arrogance is a negative trait that could cause animosity between leaders and their subordinates.

10. You surround yourself with the right people.

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While we can’t choose our family, we can choose our friends, and who our friends are says a lot about who we are. If you’re a natural-born leader, there’s a good chance you’ve chosen uplifting friends who always encourage you. They want to see you succeed and are always there for moral support.

11. You always have a good attitude.

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There are two types of people in this world—optimists and pessimists. While there will no doubt be some naturally pessimistic leaders, there’s a good chance that most can maintain a positive attitude, no matter what happens. A leader must keep the team buoyant even during stressful times, so having a good attitude is essential even when things are rough.

12. You’re consistent.

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What’s one thing you think your friends would say about you if they were asked to describe you? You may be cut out for being a leader if you think they would say dependable. People like predictable leaders because they know what to expect and have an easier time trusting them. A good leader is someone others can count on.

13. You maintain integrity.

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Integrity is one of the most valuable attributes a leader can have. Because let’s be real: without honesty, what is there? A natural-born leader sees it as their duty to have integrity—this way, they’re able to confidently lead and pass on their wisdom of making the right choice to others.

14. You admit to your mistakes.

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Natural-born leaders aren’t opposed to admitting when they’ve messed up. While some might find this easier to do than others, it’s an essential trait. A good leader knows that it’s important to be accountable and take ownership of their mistakes, as it instills trust in the people who work for them.

15. People come to you for your opinion.

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Everyone has an opinion, but yours? Yours takes the cake so your loved ones come to you for advice. They value what you say because they see you as trustworthy, confident, and solution-oriented (a.k.a all the traits of a good leader!).

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