15 Signs You Stand Up For Yourself And Won’t Take Anybody’s BS

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Respect isn’t something people just give to you. It’s something you need to earn and before that, you need to respect yourself. A healthy level of self-respect is important for everyone. It allows us to build confidence, set boundaries, and stand up for ourselves. Here are 15 signs you stand up for yourself and won’t take anybody’s BS.

1. You speak highly of yourself.

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People who stand up for themselves need to respect themselves. They think highly of themselves and won’t lower themselves if it’s convenient. This doesn’t mean they’re narcissists, but they have self-respect. As a result, it’s common for people who stand up for themselves to speak highly of themselves. They’ll talk about their accomplishments and don’t hesitate to speak openly about their positive qualities.

2. You put yourself first.

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People who stand up for themselves put themselves first. If they think something will have a negative impact on them, they won’t do it. Even if a good friend is asking, they won’t do something if they think it’s bad for them. Now, that doesn’t mean that someone like this won’t do a favor they won’t necessarily enjoy. They aren’t selfish people, but they know where to draw the line.

3. You learn lessons from your failures.

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People who stand up for themselves don’t beat themselves up for failing. Instead, they learn lessons from those failures. They embrace being out of their comfort zone knowing that it could lead to mistakes because they know it’s ok to fail.

4. You stand up for other people too.

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People who stand up for themselves also feel comfortable standing up for other people, especially their friends and family. When they see someone who can’t stand up for themselves being disrespected, they’re quick to step in.

5. You’re not afraid to upset people if it means backing yourself.

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People who are comfortable standing up for themselves aren’t afraid to upset people. They know that when you stand up for yourself, it can cause a conflict, per BetterHelp. As a result, they have experience in this area and are willing to make people upset if it means they can hold on to their self-respect.

6. You know your purpose and live by it.

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Some people struggle to find a purpose in life, but not these people. They respect themselves and have a deep understanding of their purpose in life. Often this purpose is not centered around selfish needs. Instead, it involves making the lives of those close to them better.

7. You cut toxic people out of your life.

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Part of standing up for yourself is understanding that some people shouldn’t be in your life anymore. As a result, people who can stand up for themselves are quick to cut toxic people out of their lives.

8. You’re firm with your boundaries.

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If you’re willing to stand up with yourself, it means you’re firm with your boundaries. When you establish boundaries, you won’t let anyone cross them. If they try, you will make sure that they know that you don’t stand for it.

9. You’re honest with your emotions.

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People who stand up for themselves are honest with their emotions. Whereas most people will take underhanded comments on the chin, these people will tell someone if they’ve hurt their feelings or hurt them in some way. They know that communication is the best way to resolve a conflict.

10. You take time for self-care.

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People who stand up for themselves also know that it’s important to take time for themselves. They’ll step away from a situation if it’s getting too toxic and take some time for themselves. They take mental health days and practice self-care.

11. You don’t need approval from other people to feel validated.

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If you are comfortable enough in yourself to stand up for yourself, you likely don’t need anyone else to validate you. You’re comfortable enough in who you are to not need anyone else to boost your confidence. You appreciate the praise from friends and family, but you don’t need it.

12. You have a strong moral framework.

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People who stand up for themselves often have a very strong moral framework. These people know what’s right and wrong and what their beliefs are. Manipulative people will have a hard time convincing these people to do something they don’t feel is right.

13. You say no if something’s inconvenient.

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Many people will say yes to helping friends and family even if it gets in the way of things they have planned. They do this because saying no makes them uncomfortable. If you’re willing to stand up for yourself, you know it’s ok to say no to things if it’s inconvenient.

14. You avoid time wasters.

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People who stand up for themselves don’t put up with perennial time wasters. They establish that if someone’s always going to be late, they aren’t going to make plans with them. They’d rather not make plans if someone is just going to waste their time.

15. You don’t let peer pressure get to you.

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People who stand up for themselves don’t succumb to peer pressure. If they aren’t in the mood to join in on something, they won’t be swayed. They know that no is a fair answer that doesn’t need an explanation.

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