15 Seemingly Casual Things People Say That Reveal Their True Priorities

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Whether good or bad, our true priorities can often be found in the simplest of statements. If you pay attention to some of the most casual things people say, you may learn a lot about them and what is important to them. Here are some common statements and what they say about the person speaking them.

1. “I’m working late again tonight.”

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Someone who often talks about working more hours without annoyance or sarcasm tells you they are dedicated to their job. They’re career-minded and want to succeed at any cost. They’re dedicated to getting the job done, even when it requires overtime, according to The Harvard Business Review.

2. “I schedule a date night with my partner regularly.”

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If you want to know if someone is dedicated to their partner, listen to what they say about their relationship. Someone who makes sure they spend regular quality time with their significant other, like scheduling date nights, puts needed energy into their relationship to keep things going smoothly. They know the importance of spending time with those you love.

3. “My kids know I’ll be home for dinner with them every night.”

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People who say they want to spend time with their children show they are committed to their families. They want to be involved in their children’s lives, and their dedication to family will make a difference in their children’s lives.

4. “I never skip a healthy breakfast.”

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There are many signs that someone cares about their overall health, but someone who points out how they never skip breakfast knows this is an important meal. Someone who says they go to the gym often or always eat fruits and vegetables would also fall under this category. They want to live a long and healthy life.

5. “I meditate every day.”

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Are you curious which people in your life take their mental health seriously? Those who say they meditate or use other self-care strategies are the ones who are trying to battle stress healthily. You don’t have to be a new-age guru to reap the benefits of meditation or yoga, either.

6. “I’d rather stay home and save up my money.”

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This person isn’t telling you they don’t want to spend time with you. Instead, they try to show you they are frugal and careful with their money. Some people prefer spending time at home and don’t get the same joy from social gatherings as others (aka introverts).

7. “I’m going back to school to learn a new trade.”

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People who choose to go back to school could be doing it for many reasons, but it shows they like to learn and are interested in bettering themselves. They may return to school to get a better job or a raise. They could also want to show their children or family members that you’re never too old to change your life positively.

8. “I love volunteering at the local shelter.”

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If you want to know if someone has a heart of gold, you will surely understand if they talk about their volunteer services. People who help animals, children, and older generations tend to be kind and nurturing. This person loves to be helpful and give their time freely.

9. “We’re having a friends-night-in at my place this weekend.”

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A person who loves spending time with friends shows that they enjoy bonding with the people in their lives. If they’re playing host, it could also tell you that they enjoy being the center of attention and ensuring people are having a good time. This person may make an excellent party planner.

10. “I can’t wait to go camping this weekend.”

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People who enjoy camping love nature and the outdoors. Of course, how much they love the outdoors depends on their camping style. The more rustic they like to camp, the more they may prefer the time away from society.

11. “I signed up for a painting class.”

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Anyone who signs up for an art class shows an appreciation for the creative aspects of life. Painting and other art forms are great ways to express themselves differently than verbally. It’s also a great way to enjoy some personal therapy time.

12. “I take my phone with me everywhere I go.”

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These days, smartphones seem like extra appendages. People who keep their phones with them always like to stay connected, but they may have dependency issues regarding this technology. They may be too connected to social media or their jobs.

13. “I love visiting museums and tourist attractions.”

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Someone who enjoys visiting tourist attractions and museums may love learning and history. These places are excellent for getting to know the area you live in or areas you travel to. Since some tourist attractions reflect on the strange things in life, this love may also indicate that the person loves the macabre.

14. “I enjoy trying new restaurants every chance I get.”

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This person may be a foodie. They love dining out and trying new things. If they review the places they eat, they may also be passionate about helping others enjoy their dining experiences.

15. “I’m going skydiving on my vacation.”

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People who enjoy extreme sports and risky adventures like skydiving love adventure and having new experiences. This is a sign they aren’t afraid to take a risk. They may get a rush from the adrenaline being pumped through their veins when they do these things.

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