15 “Love Languages” You Didn’t Know Existed (But Totally Need)

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Most of us are familiar with the term “love language,” which is a concept introduced by Dr. Gary Chapman, a well-known marriage counselor and director of marriage seminars. In his book, he described the five major love languages existing in relationships. They are acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. Beyond these five love languages, many others can be identified in your relationship that maybe you’ve never thought of. Here are 15 love languages that you didn’t know existed (but you totally need)

1. Morning rituals

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Establishing a regular morning routine with your partner can be very comforting as well as motivating. Simple things like sharing a coffee together, morning stretches, or walking the dog together can be mind-clearing and start the day off right in your relationship. If your partner has an established morning routine, try your best to merge yours with theirs so you’re both getting what you need.

2. Learning together

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Learning together as a couple can be extremely rewarding. Sharing interesting facts, reading the news out loud from your phone, or starting a book to read together are easy ways to learn together. Other ways include doing learning activities and taking classes together. Learning something new is something we should do every day, and it’s even more fun if you do it together!

3. Supportive silence

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We all need a little silence now and again. Whether your partner is grieving or upset, or just working on an important project, offering supportive silence by staying nearby but being quiet can be very helpful and comforting for both you and your partner. Some people even find it easier to complete tasks if another person is nearby, offering silent support.

4. Fitness companionship

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Exercising together is a fantastic love language. Working out together encourages health, and a shared commitment to wellbeing. From spotting each other lifting weights to motivating each other to take that after-dinner walk, exercise not only makes you feel and look better, but it can also trick your brain into being more productive when you’re feeling stuck.

5. Gifting time

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Sometimes all you or your partner want is the other’s time. Spending time doing something together, or even spending time doing separate activities side-by-side can be very bond strengthening. Doing the laundry together, or reading separate books in the same room creates a feeling of togetherness without having to do much. Listening to your partner and genuinely tuning in lets them know they have your full-time and attention.

6. Shared adventures

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Experiencing new things together really strengthens your relationship, per Verywell Mind. Whether it’s traveling around the world, or trying the new escape room that just opened up in town — sharing new adventures together is a wonderful way to show your love. When your partner is the person you most want to experience things with, this can be one of the easiest ways to express your love.

7. Acts of appreciation

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When we do something for our partner, we long for it to be acknowledged. Gifting acts of appreciation to your partner can look like regularly expressing gratitude for them, or celebrating achievements together. Recognizing the small efforts made on a daily basis and saying thank you or making a simple gift like a card or a flower bouquet from your garden are always appreciated and make your partner feel special for just being themselves.

8. Cooking together

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Not everyone loves to cook, but there’s something about the shared experience of cooking together that unites you. Playing music in the background, having a glass of wine, and stealing a dance or two between tasks makes cooking feel like a romantic date rather than a chore.

9. Care for the environment

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Finding someone who cares for the world in the same manner as you is a gift. By growing your own food, or volunteering to clean up the side of the road, you can make a difference, together. Caring for the environment is something we all need to think about, and having your partner there for accountability makes the job all the easier.

10. Home projects

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Everyone likes a little DIY now and again. Sharing home projects with your partner can really be a bonding experience. You and your partner against a project makes you feel unified, and trusting your partner to help is big. Redecorating, building a new set of shelves, or fixing an appliance should have you and your partner working as a team, which surely is a language of love.

11. Humor and playfulness

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What is a relationship without a little bit of healthy humor and playfulness? Boring, mostly. Keeping the spark alive with laughter and jokes works wonders in relationships, and helps remind you why you’ve chosen this person in the first place. Sharing private jokes, playful teasing, and sharing laughter with each other can be an exciting way to show your love.

12. Mindfulness and meditation

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If you’re already practicing mindfulness and meditation, you might already be more emotionally mature than most, but we could all do with a little more mindfulness practice, especially in relationships. Meditation and mindfulness can be a very private endeavor, but it’s even more special when you share the experience with your partner. By meditating on issues, you’re going through together, you can help shine new light on the issue, and practice mindfulness to get through it together.

13. Tradition building

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We all have traditions of some kind, whether it’s long-standing family traditions, or new ones you’ve made with your partner. Creating new traditions that are things you just share between the two of you is very rewarding. By creating and maintaining new rituals and traditions, you show your partner how much their presence in your life matters.

14. Music sharing

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Sharing your favorite music with each other can be incredibly bonding. Sending songs that make you think of them, or curating a personalized playlist are all ways to show love to your partner. Creating playlists together to act as the soundtrack to your relationship can be something that really strengthens it.

15. Learning love languages

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One of the most rewarding things you can do in your relationship is to discover what your partner needs to feel loved. By exploring all the various love languages, you can pinpoint the ones that work best in your relationship. Maybe you need words of affirmation, while they thrive more on acts of service. Learning these love languages can ensure that both you and your partner feel loved and understood.

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