15 Interesting Reasons Some People Always Get Lucky

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Ever notice how some people seem to have all the luck? They land the dream job, find amazing partners, and always seem to be in the right place at the right time. Is it just chance, or something more? Here’s the inside scoop: “Lucky” people have habits that create their own good fortune. Let’s unravel their secrets and see how we can all get a little luckier in our own lives.

1. They sniff out opportunities everywhere they go.

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Lucky people know how to focus on the potential for their lives to be amazing, instead of the challenges or problems they have to deal with. This keeps them upbeat and prevents them from missing out on all the fun that life has to offer. When they focus on opportunities, they find more of them! As Forbes points out, opportunities aren’t found, they’re created!

2. They don’t believe in destiny.

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Lucky people know how to make their lives better. They don’t focus on destiny or fate because they take charge of their lives instead of waiting for things to happen to them. They don’t leave things up to life because they want to sprinkle magic over everything in their own way.

3. They don’t see themselves as victims.

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Linked to the previous point, they don’t see themselves as victims when bad things happen. They don’t feel targeted by life because they know everyone gets thrown to the ground by stressful circumstances. Instead, because they know that life gets rough for everyone, they pick themselves up and keep going.

4. They don’t talk about their mistakes.

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Think about your interactions with the person in your life who seems to enjoy constant good fortune. You might find that they don’t really talk about their previous mistakes. They’d rather focus on the positive things about themselves and their lives, like how they’ve grown, which prevents negative thoughts from getting in their way. Getting stuck in the past will only hold you back, as Psychology Today points out.

5. They know how to push through.

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Lucky people aren’t afraid to take risks or make mistakes. They know a few failures along the way are just part of the process. Instead of dwelling on setbacks, they focus on their strengths and keep pushing forward. This unstoppable attitude is the key to turning dreams into reality.

6. They speak about themselves positively.

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Here’s the secret: some people who seem lucky are actually masters of perception. They cultivate a positive mindset and project confidence, making them appear more fortunate than they might be. They know the power of their words, so they frame their experiences in a positive light. It’s not always about having good things happen, but about how you view them.

7. They trust their intuition.

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Sometimes “luck” is simply listening to your gut. Those who trust their intuition make choices that feel authentic and aligned with their goals. They let their inner compass guide them towards opportunities and experiences that bring true fulfillment.

8. They take action, even if they’re not sure.

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Lucky people don’t wait around for life to direct them to where they should go. They know that inaction is the quickest way to get stuck, so, while they think things through, sometimes they’re happy to take a leap into the unknown and trust that things will work out how they’re meant to in the end.

9. They expect good things to happen.

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Besides going out there and getting what they want, lucky people don’t hesitate to expect good things to come their way. This upbeat, positive mindset is what attracts goodness into their lives. This is why they seem lucky, but luck is an inside job!

10. They don’t let bad things trash their mindset.

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Stressful and traumatic things will happen to everyone at some point. The difference between lucky and unlucky people is that they don’t let the bad things define them. They’ll hunt for the lessons they can learn from the experience, and this makes them resilient.

11. They hang out with lucky people.

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Spending lots of time with people who express how they’re always unlucky can rub off on you, making you negative. Lucky people don’t engage with Debbie Downers. They’re a lot like optimistic people in the way that they know the value of spending time with others who uplift them.

12. They stretch out of their comfort zone.

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Taking risks is second nature to people who call themselves lucky. They don’t waste time in their comfort zone. Instead, they’re always seeking new experiences and adventures, which keeps them happy and satisfied.

13. They work hard but don’t let it take over.

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Lucky people know that they have to put in hard work to get what they want. However, the cool thing about them is that they have a healthy life-work balance that ensures they keep their well-being and happiness intact. This is why you might see a lucky person and think, “How do they always seem like they have it all together?” It’s about balance!

14. They don’t overthink things.

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Overthinking is poison to the mind. It stresses you out and can make you feel like you’re doubting yourself. Lucky people know that they shouldn’t overthink issues, problems or decisions, as this puts them in a negative cycle — you can’t be lucky if you’re not positive!

15. They choose to see things as happening at the right time.

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When something happens, it’s easy to say, “It’s bad timing.” Perhaps because you’re too stressed with everything else going on in your life. But, lucky people know that they can’t let something as trivial as bad timing prevent them from grabbing opportunities and taking their happiness to a higher level.

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