15 Gaslighting Phrases Narcissists Use To Make You Doubt Your Reality

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Being in a relationship with a narcissist can feel like being stuck in a funhouse – reality is warped, and nothing is quite as it seems. Gaslighting is one of their favorite tactics, and it works by gradually eroding your trust in your own perceptions. Here are 20 phrases they might use to twist your mind and make you question your sanity.

“You’re imagining things.”

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This seemingly innocent statement can plant a seed of doubt that grows into a towering insecurity. You start questioning your own observations, wondering if you’re overreacting or misremembering events. It’s the first step to making you doubt your own senses. This is known as narcissistic gaslighting, PsychCentral notes, and it’s extremely damaging.

“You’re way too sensitive.”

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This isn’t just a dismissive comment – it’s a weapon aimed at invalidating your feelings. A narcissist will try to make you feel like your emotions are always an overreaction. It’s about turning the tables, making you feel responsible for their manipulative behavior rather than the other way around.

“That never happened.”

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This is a blatant rewrite of history. They’ll flat-out deny ever saying or doing something, leaving you confused about reality and questioning your own memory. It’s a tactic that deliberately chips away at your trust in yourself and your perception of events, creating the perfect breeding ground for manipulation.

“You’re always the dramatic one.”

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This minimizes your concerns and paints you as the unreasonable one. A narcissist wants you to believe your reaction to their actions is the problem, not their actions themselves. They’ll play the “drama queen” card, making you feel like you’re blowing things out of proportion and fostering self-doubt.

“Everything’s always about you, isn’t it?”

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This is classic deflection and playing the victim. They flip the script, making you feel selfish for being upset about their behavior. Suddenly, you’re on the defensive, having to justify your feelings while they skillfully dodge any responsibility.

“You’re gaslighting me!”

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This is projection at its finest. They twist the narrative, accusing you of using their own tactics. It’s a way to sow confusion, leaving you disoriented and even questioning your own actions. This solidifies their manipulative control and makes you second-guess your own understanding of their behavior.

“Nobody would believe you anyway.”

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Isolation and control are key tools for a narcissist. By planting seeds of doubt about whether anyone would believe your side of the story, they increase your dependency. This is a deliberate ploy to make you feel like questioning their actions would be pointless, fostering a sense of hopeless resignation.

“You’re just crazy.”

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This is a verbal assault aimed at undermining your confidence and sanity. They might even use more subtle jabs about your mental state, chipping away at your self-esteem. The goal is to make you feel like you’re losing your grip on reality so their manipulations are easier to swallow.

“See? You can’t even remember what you said five minutes ago.”

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They exploit any memory lapses you might have, preying on your vulnerabilities. A narcissist might exaggerate any normal slip-ups or moments of forgetfulness, making you doubt even the most basic memories. This further erodes your trust in your own perception, strengthening their control over the narrative.

“You’re too jealous/needy/clingy.”

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This is classic gaslighting by projection. They project their own insecurities or negative traits onto you. They want you to feel responsible for their actions and deflect attention from the real issue – their manipulative behavior. It’s a blame game, and they want you to feel like you’re the one at fault.

“You used to be so much fun. What happened to you?”

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This is a guilt trip wrapped in a confusing statement. They rewrite the past to make you feel responsible for any changes in the relationship dynamic. It cleverly masks their manipulative behavior behind nostalgia, placing the blame on you for not being the ‘perfect’ partner they (falsely) remember.

“Everyone else thinks you’re overreacting.”

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This is gaslighting by proxy, Psychology Today warns. They enlist others, real or imagined, to downplay your concerns and further isolate you. Suddenly, you’re not only questioning your own judgment but also feel like everyone else agrees with the narcissist. It’s a tactic designed to make you feel utterly alone and unsupported in your perception.

“Here we go again… starting a fight over nothing.”

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This rewrites the situation and frames you as the aggressor. They’ll manufacture conflict, twisting your legitimate concerns into unjustified fights. It’s all about deflecting responsibility and making it seem like you’re constantly creating problems out of thin air.

“If you really loved me, you wouldn’t question me.”

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This is emotional blackmail at its core. They hold affection hostage, making you feel like questioning them is a sign of not caring enough. Love shouldn’t come with conditions, but a narcissist will try to weaponize it to ensure you fall in line. This tactic preys on your desire to be a good partner and manipulates your emotions to silence you.

“You’re the only one who sees problems in our relationship.”

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This is gaslighting by gaslighting. They deny there are any issues, essentially gaslighting you about the gaslighting itself. This leaves you feeling utterly confused and hopeless, questioning your own perception of reality and wondering if you’re truly the one who’s blowing things out of proportion.

“I was just joking! Can’t you take a joke?”

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They trivialize your feelings and dismiss your hurt with a dismissive laugh. This makes you question your own reactions and whether you have the right to be upset, leading to a culture of suppressing your own emotions in their presence. It’s a way to invalidate your feelings and excuse hurtful behavior as “just a joke,” encouraging a sense of self-doubt about the legitimacy of your emotional responses.

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