15 Definite Signs Someone Is Comfortable Around You

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It’s a pretty awesome feeling when you can be yourself around someone without worrying about judgment. It’s like a breath of fresh air. But how can you tell if someone feels truly at ease in your company? Well, there are a few telltale signs that go beyond just polite smiles and small talk.

1. They open up about personal stuff.

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When someone shares their hopes, dreams, fears, or even embarrassing stories from their past, it’s a major sign of trust. They wouldn’t spill the beans if they didn’t feel safe and comfortable around you. Think of it like this: They’re giving you a glimpse into their inner world because they believe you’ll handle it with care.

2. They let loose and have fun.

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We’ve all been in situations where we feel like we have to act a certain way to be accepted. But when someone is truly comfortable, they let their guard down and just have fun. Maybe they crack silly jokes, dance like nobody’s watching, or engage in playful banter. This carefree attitude shows that they don’t feel the need to impress you or put on a facade.

3. They ask for your advice and opinions.

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Whether it’s about a big decision, a relationship issue, or even what to wear, asking for your input shows they value your perspective. It means they trust your judgment and believe you’ll offer honest and helpful advice. It’s a compliment, really, because they’re essentially saying, “I value your opinion and I know you’ll have my back.”

4. They’re not afraid to disagree with you.

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Healthy relationships aren’t about agreeing on everything. When someone feels comfortable around you, they won’t hesitate to voice a different opinion or challenge your perspective. It’s not about being confrontational; it’s about engaging in honest and respectful dialogue, Forbes explains. They trust that even if you disagree, it won’t damage the relationship.

5. They’re relaxed and at ease in your presence.

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Pay attention to their body language. Are they fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, or sitting stiffly? Or are they relaxed, making eye contact, and using open gestures? If their body language suggests ease and comfort, it’s a good sign they feel at home in your company. It’s like their body is saying, “I’m safe here, I can chill out.”

6. They tease you playfully.

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A little playful teasing is a sign of affection and camaraderie. When someone feels comfortable enough to poke fun at you (in a lighthearted way, of course), it means they see you as someone they can joke around with. It shows a level of intimacy and trust that wouldn’t be there if they felt unsure or uneasy.

7. They share comfortable silences with you.

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Have you ever been in a situation where the silence feels awkward and you feel the need to fill it with mindless chatter? Well, when someone feels comfortable around you, those silences aren’t awkward at all. They’re actually quite comfortable. It’s a sign of a deep connection where you don’t need to constantly talk to feel close.

8. They express their emotions openly.

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Whether it’s excitement, sadness, anger, or joy, people who feel comfortable around you won’t hide their emotions. They’ll express themselves freely, knowing you won’t judge them or dismiss their feelings. It’s a sign of deep trust and emotional intimacy.

9. They initiate conversations and activities.

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When someone goes out of their way to text you, call you, or make plans, it’s a clear sign they enjoy your company and want to spend time with you. They’re not just waiting for you to reach out; they’re actively seeking your connection. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, I like hanging out with you, let’s do something fun!”

10. They remember little details about you

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Whether it’s your favorite coffee order, a funny story you told them weeks ago, or your upcoming birthday, remembering small details shows they’re paying attention and genuinely care about you. It means you’re not just another face in the crowd; you’re someone they value enough to remember the little things that make you unique.

11. They don’t feel the need to fill every silence.

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Comfortable silences are like a secret language between people who truly get each other. When someone is at ease in your presence, they won’t feel the need to constantly fill the air with chatter. They’re content to simply be in your company, even if it means enjoying a few moments of quiet reflection. It’s a sign of a deep connection where words aren’t always necessary.

12. They show physical affection (if appropriate).

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This could be a hug, a pat on the back, or even just a gentle touch on the arm. While the level of physical affection will vary depending on the relationship, it’s a universal sign of warmth and closeness. When someone feels comfortable enough to initiate physical touch, it means they feel safe and connected to you.

13. They confide in you about their challenges.

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We all face challenges in life, and sharing those struggles with someone takes a lot of trust. When someone confides in you about their problems, it means they see you as a safe space where they can be vulnerable. They believe you’ll listen without judgment and offer support, which is a pretty big deal.

14. They don’t put on a front or try to impress you.

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One of the most beautiful things about being comfortable with someone is that you can just be yourself, flaws and all. When someone is truly at ease in your company, they won’t feel the need to pretend to be someone they’re not or try to impress you with exaggerated stories or achievements. They’re content to let you see the real them, which is the ultimate sign of trust and acceptance, according to Inc.

15. They make an effort to stay connected.

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Whether it’s through regular texts, phone calls, or planned get-togethers, people who feel comfortable around you will make an effort to maintain the connection. They won’t disappear for weeks or months at a time and then reappear as if nothing happened. They’ll actively nurture the relationship because they value it and enjoy your company.

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