15 Daily Habits Of People Who Always Stay Positive No Matter What

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Wouldn’t it be great if you could always feel upbeat and ready to make the most of your day? Even though being optimistic can sometimes feel challenging, there are tons of benefits. Here are 15 daily habits that optimistic people always do, which you should be doing, too.

1. They’re grateful instead of demanding.

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While negative people will complain about what they don’t have, and perhaps try to demand things they want, positive people will focus on what they already have. Keeping a daily gratitude journal helps them stay focused on the things they shouldn’t take for granted, which opens them up to noticing more goodness in their lives. In this way, blessings attract more blessings!

2. They start the day with happiness.

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Instead of jumping out of bed and rushing through your morning, which can be stressful, optimistic people know the value of easing into their day with peace and happiness. To achieve this, they do activities that make them feel good, such as enjoying a cup of coffee in the sunshine or playing with their cat. This gets their day off on a positive footing, setting the scene for the rest of the day.

3. They stay away from gossip.

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Although getting reeled into a gossip session can sometimes feel like a fun way to pass the time, it’s toxic because it spreads negativity. People who stay positive try to reduce their exposure to anything negative, including rumors and gossip in their social circle or workplace. They’d rather focus on encouraging others, which gives them a boost of endorphins without any guilt.

4. They try to find the funny side of things.

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It’s not always easy to be humorous during stressful situations, but it can work wonders to help you maintain a positive attitude. Cracking a joke when you’re stuck in traffic or when you spill your drink over your pristine white suit can help you relax instead of carrying the stress of the event with you throughout the rest of your day. Humor also helps you to gain a bit of perspective, helping you not sweat the small stuff, so you don’t get stuck in anger or anxiety.

5. They listen to music that matches their mood.

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You know that music can boost your mood and make you feel motivated, but eternal optimists choose tracks that match their mood for the most benefits. A study (via Psychology of Music) found that tuning into sad songs when you’re sad can make you feel better because they tend to carry powerful messages while being nostalgic. By doing this, optimists can work with their feelings instead of desperately trying to wish them away, which doesn’t work.

6. They meditate during difficult moments.

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When life gets tough, a positive person will try to center themselves against the storm. They do this via daily practices of meditation, even if it’s just for five or 10 minutes before a stressful work presentation or confrontation with their friend. This session helps them rise above the challenging situation and maintain inner peace, so they don’t let negative emotions run away.

7. They get enough sleep.

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It’s difficult to feel upbeat and positive if you haven’t gotten enough sleep the night before. A lack of sleep makes it difficult to regulate your emotions (irritable, much?), so it’s crucial to get a restful, quality snooze. People who stay positive will stick to a nightly sleep routine, such as going to bed at the same time every night and keeping their bedroom dark and cool so they don’t wake up in the middle of the night.

8. They compliment someone else.

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Have you ever flattered someone and felt good afterward, even though you weren’t the one receiving the compliment? Research (via the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology) has found that saying something nice to someone else will boost your feelings of well-being. To get the most benefit from being nice, ensure the compliment is meaningful and sincere.

9. They avoid making comparisons.

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If you keep comparing yourself to others, this makes you feel like you’re not as good as others. It zaps your confidence and self-worth, keeping you stuck in a negative headspace. This is why optimists avoid making comparisons. They focus on what they have to offer and their good traits, both of which boost their confidence and motivate them to concentrate on being happy.

10. They take nature breaks.

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Taking some time away from the daily rut and stress of life can help you to de-stress, which boosts your positive feelings. Research (via Scientific Reports) has found that spending just 30 minutes a week in nature lowers your blood pressure and reduces your risk of depression. This means that just a few minutes outside every day is beneficial to help you stay healthy, calm, and happy.

11. They smile at themselves in the mirror.

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Positive people will smile in the mirror to boost feelings of happiness. It might sound like something a Disney villain would do, but it works because researchers (via Psychological Bulletin) have discovered a link between smiling and feeling happy. This happens because facial expressions influence our feelings. So, by smiling at yourself, you tell your body you’re happy.

12. They call a pal.

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If you isolate yourself from friends and loved ones, this fosters feelings of loneliness. People who are positive will reach out to social connections because it helps keep them smiling and feeling good. Research (via The Society For Personality And Social Psychology) backs this up by stating that spending time with people you care about boosts your well-being. It also encourages emotional support, which makes you feel more positive about life and encourages your determination during difficult times.

13. They learn something new every day.

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People who maintain an optimistic attitude in life never stop increasing their knowledge. They might love reading new books, listening to new podcasts, or enrolling in online courses to learn a new skill. By learning something new every day, they keep their minds active while boosting passion in life, which translates into optimism.

14. They don’t let negative thoughts hold them back.

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Everyone knows that negative thoughts can sometimes be intrusive and make you fearful. But, positive people don’t let their negative thoughts override their positive self-talk. They focus on what they want to do in life instead of listening to fear, which is a distraction. They know how to control their negative thoughts and manage their emotions well.

15. They look for solutions in every situation.

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The difference between optimistic and pessimistic people is that optimistic people don’t get stuck in their problems. They focus on finding solutions to whatever challenges lie in front of them. This encourages their creativity and makes them feel more empowered. The more they solve their issues with this approach, the more they foster positivity to find hope during bleak times.

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