15 Common Reasons Men Call It Quits in Relationships

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Relationships are complex. They can form in a variety of situations, and end for just as many reasons. Whether it’s long or short-term, men have many different reasons for calling it quits in relationships. Here are 15 reasons men might have for ending things, even when their partners want to stay together.

1. The relationship lacks trust.

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Relationships are built on trust, and when it’s gone it’s hard to get it back. If a man feels like he can’t trust his partner, whether it’s because of lies or suspicious behavior, he’s not going to stick around. Remember, you don’t need to cheat on someone to break their trust. It can be broken by lying about financial decisions, where you’re going on a night out, or gossiping about him to your friends.

2. He feels unappreciated.

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Part of building a strong relationship is doing small things for your partner every day. You don’t need to acknowledge it every time they do something for you. In fact, some of these things will be so subtle that you don’t even notice. However, if you never thank them for the little things, they’ll start to feel unappreciated, especially if you say things like, “You never do anything for me.” If they feel unappreciated, they’ll leave.

3. The relationship feels one-sided.

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In a similar vein, men won’t stick in relationships they feel are one-sided. If he feels like he’s giving a lot to the relationship but not getting anything, it’ll start to feel one-sided. Both of you need to sacrifice a little bit in the relationship to make the other person feel loved and appreciated. If you aren’t doing your part, he could leave.

4. He doesn’t feel supported.

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Everyone goes through tough times, and when they do, the first person they turn to is their partner. If when a man is going through a difficult time at work, with family, with money, or with something else, he needs you to support him. If he doesn’t feel like you’re supporting him, or you’re just going through the motions, he’ll find someone who’s willing to stand by him in bad times.

5. Your life goals are incompatible.

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Sometimes relationships don’t end because two people fall out of love with each other. There doesn’t need to be a dramatic event that ends every relationship. Sometimes one or both of the people in the relationship realize that their life goals are incompatible. If one person wants kids and the other doesn’t, it doesn’t matter how much the two of you love each other, the relationship isn’t going to work out.

6. You’re always fighting.

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Fighting is sometimes ok in relationships. Some people prefer it as a method of handling conflict. However, for some it’s stressful, especially if it’s happening all the time. Many men will end relationships because they don’t want to fight anymore.

7. Family and friends are interfering.

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Too much interference from friends and family can be a relationship killer. It can cause the relationship to end in several ways. If his friends are constantly him that they don’t like his partner, he might end of leaving her. Alternatively, if you’re friends are always mean to him and saying bad things about him to you, he might break up with you because you aren’t defending him.

8. There’s no communication.

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Communication is a massive part of relationships. Without communication, it’s hard for a relationship to progress. If he feels like he’s talking to a brick wall, he might slowly lose his interest in the relationship and leave.

9. Emotional or physical neglect.

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Neglect isn’t always intentional, but it has a very real impact for men. If a man always feels like you aren’t supporting him emotionally or initiating physically, he might lose his connection. This doesn’t mean he’ll cheat, but eventually, he might break up with you because his needs aren’t being met. That’s why it’s always important to put effort into a relationship, even when it’s been going on for years.

10. There’s no room for the relationship to grow.

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A relationship should be a partnership where two people grow together, If a man feels like the relationship is suffocating and stopping him from pursuing his personal goals, he might leave you.

11. The thrill is gone.

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Every relationship is exciting, but eventually, it mellows out and becomes more comfortable. When that happens, some men will lose interest. That doesn’t necessarily mean you did anything wrong. Unfortunately, some guys are only interested in the honeymoon phase. So when the spark’s gone, so is he.

12. He feels controlled.

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No one wants to feel controlled. If a man feels smothered or controlled by a partner who’s trying to dictate everything he does, he’ll want out. He doesn’t want to feel like he can’t do the things he loves because he’s in a relationship.

13. Cheating

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This one is certainly not exclusive to men, but if you cheat, very few men will stick around. Infidelity is a massive dealbreaker for most men. So, if you cheat, be prepared for your relationship to end swiftly.

14. Financial issues

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Money problems are among the leading causes of relationships ending. It can create a lot of stress, especially if only one person is contributing. It can lead to resentment and the relationship eventually ending.

15. Lack of intimacy

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Lastly, another of the leading causes for relationships to end is lack of intimacy. Not having sex is a pretty good sign that someone is going to end the relationship soon. However, intimacy isn’t just about sex. It’s about a deep connection. Hugging, kissing, cuddling, and holding hands are all parts of physical intimacy. Men want to feel connected to their partner. If he doesn’t feel that physical intimacy, he’ll just feel like you’re a roommate.

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