15 Basic Behaviors That Make People Instantly Like You More

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It’s human nature to want people to like you. However, if you want to attract the right kinds of people, then you have to be authentic and true to yourself. You shouldn’t have to try too hard—it should come naturally. These behaviors will make people instantly drawn to you.

1. You’re genuine.

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Being genuine means that you’re true to yourself and don’t pretend to be something you’re not. You’re not pretending to like things just because other people like them, and you don’t plaster a smile on your face when you’re not happy. People are attracted to this quality in a person because it makes you seem more trustworthy and as a result, they’ll feel more comfortable around you.

2. You compliment others.

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It’s nice to compliment other people. If you think they look beautiful or they do something that impresses you, let them know. Giving people compliments makes them feel like you notice them, and it’s nice to be noticed and appreciated by the people around you. By complimenting them, you’re making them feel good about themselves, which will make them instantly like you.

3. You’re honest.

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Honesty is one of the best qualities you can have and you won’t go far without it. Other people can spot when someone isn’t being honest and it instantly makes them feel unnerved. On the contrary, if you’re honest about your feelings and your opinions, people will respect you for that. Even if you feel differently than them, it’s still worth making your feelings known. They’ll appreciate your honesty.

4. You’re curious.

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Curious people instantly become more interesting. And when I talk about curiosity, I mean you love to try new foods when you’re out at a restaurant, you participate in various activities you’ve never done before, and you’re not afraid to travel to new places and explore different cities. Other people can see that you’re curious about the world and that makes them feel more drawn to you. They like you because you don’t hold back—you’re an explorer.

5. You ask questions.

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One thing that kills a conversation is when one person talks only about themselves. Not only does it bore the other person, but it sends a message that they don’t care. In contrast, if you ask lots of questions and invite them into the conversation, they’ll instantly like you a lot more. They’ll notice that you’re thoughtful and caring, which are great qualities to have.

6. You don’t aim for perfection.

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Perfection is impossible, but that doesn’t stop some people from trying to obtain it. The problem is nothing good comes out of trying to be perfect—it just leaves people bitter and worn out. However, if you don’t take yourself too seriously and embrace your flaws, people will respect you and like you more. They’ll see you as a genuine person who is reliable and honest.

7. You show your silly side.

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There are times that call for seriousness, but being serious all of the time can make some people appear boring or unapproachable. If you can let your wild side out from time to time, the people around you will love you for it. This could look like doing silly dances or going to karaoke with your friends and singing badly. They’ll have a lot more fun in your company.

8. You’re present.

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Too many people these days spend all their time on their phones and miss out on everything that’s going on around them. If you can switch off your phone or put it on silent and live in the moment, the people around you will enjoy your company more. And when you’re not on your phone, you’ll enjoy their company more, too.

9. You have a positive mindset.

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Of course, there are going to be times when maintaining a positive mindset is impossible. But if you’re more of a positive person than a negative person, you’ll instantly become more likable. It’s easier being around people who have a more positive outlook on life than people who are always seeing the bad in every situation. Positive people attract positive people. So, if you want more positivity in your life, then it needs to start with you.

10. You’re passionate.

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It’s nice when you can see someone is passionate about something, whether that’s their job, a hobby, or a project they’re working on. If people can see that you’re passionate about the things in your life, you’ll become more interesting. They’ll find you inspiring and as a result, they’ll want to spend more time around you.

11. You’re encouraging.

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The world needs more people who are encouraging—it builds others up and leads to happier, more hard-working people. It takes only a few seconds to give a few words of encouragement to someone, but it could make a huge difference to their self-esteem. If you say uplifting things like, “You can do it”, and “You’ll be great” to people around you, it’ll make them feel more confident and instantly like you.

12. You empathize with others.

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It can be hard to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, especially if you’ve never been through what they’ve been through. However, if you can show sympathy towards them and offer them a shoulder to lean on, they’ll appreciate you and show you respect. And when you need someone for support, they’re likely to return the favor.

13. You smile often.

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I’m not saying that people should smile all of the time because that’s unrealistic and it wouldn’t be true to yourself. However, if you are generally a more upbeat person who smiles at people, they’ll feel more comfortable around you. When you pass a stranger, giving them a nice grin will make you seem kind and approachable, which will make them more drawn to you.

14. You’re not afraid to open up.

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If you can be honest about your feelings and open up to people, they’re more likely to see you as a genuine and trustworthy person. Making yourself vulnerable can be hard, but it shows others that you don’t shy away from your feelings. It shows that you trust them and you’re welcoming them into your life. Not only do you gain respect for that, but you’ll win them over, too.

15. You like to laugh.

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We all need some laughter in our lives. The world can be quite bleak at times and when someone is having a hard day, laughter can be the right medicine. If you’re the type of person who likes to laugh, this can put other people at ease and make them feel more comfortable around you. And if they’re not feeling great, your laughter could instantly lift them up, which will make you a lot more likable.

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