14 Things NOT To Do With A Narcissist

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Dealing with a narcissist can be a draining and challenging experience. Their constant need for admiration, lack of empathy, and manipulative tendencies can leave you feeling frustrated and emotionally exhausted. To help you navigate this tricky terrain, here are some crucial things to avoid when interacting with a narcissist.

1. Don’t expect them to change.

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One of the most important things to remember is that narcissists rarely change, according to Prevention. Their inflated ego and sense of self-importance make it difficult for them to recognize their flaws or take responsibility for their actions. Hoping for a sudden transformation is likely to lead to disappointment and further emotional distress. Instead, accept them for who they are and focus on protecting yourself.

2. Don’t take their criticism personally.

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Narcissists are notorious for their harsh criticisms and devaluing remarks. They may belittle your accomplishments, question your abilities, or make hurtful comments about your appearance. It’s important to remember that their words are not a reflection of your worth, but rather a projection of their own insecurities. Don’t internalize their negativity or let it affect your self-esteem.

3. Don’t try to reason with them.

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Narcissists have a distorted sense of reality and are often unwilling to see things from another perspective. Trying to reason with them or engage in logical arguments is usually futile. They may twist your words, deny their actions, or become defensive and aggressive. It’s best to avoid getting drawn into pointless debates and focus on setting boundaries instead.

4. Don’t try to earn their approval.

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Narcissists thrive on attention and validation. They may use compliments or charm to manipulate you into trying to get their approval. However, their positive regard is often conditional and can be withdrawn as quickly as it’s given. Relying on their validation will only leave you feeling insecure and dependent. Instead, focus on building your own self-worth and getting support from people who genuinely care about you.

5. Don’t share personal information.

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Narcissists can be incredibly charming and persuasive, making it easy to let your guard down and share intimate details about your life. However, this information can be used against you later. They may use it to manipulate you, spread rumors, or even sabotage your relationships. It’s best to keep your personal life private and maintain healthy boundaries.

6. Don’t try to compete with them.

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Narcissists are highly competitive and always want to be the best. Trying to outdo them or prove yourself superior is a losing battle. They will likely resort to underhanded tactics, sabotage your efforts, or simply dismiss your achievements. Instead, focus on your own goals and celebrate your successes without looking for recognition from them.

7. Don’t get sucked into their drama.

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Narcissists thrive on drama and chaos. They may create conflict, spread rumors, or play people against each other. Getting involved in their drama will only drain your energy and leave you feeling emotionally exhausted. It’s best to distance yourself from their toxic behavior and focus on your own well-being.

8. Don’t expect apologies.

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Narcissists rarely apologize for their hurtful actions or take responsibility for their mistakes. They may blame other people, minimize the impact of their behavior, or simply deny any wrongdoing. Expecting an apology is likely to lead to frustration and disappointment. Instead, focus on your own healing and move on from the situation.

9. Don’t try to fix them.

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It’s natural to want to help someone you care about, but trying to fix a narcissist is a fruitless endeavor. Their personality disorder is deeply ingrained and often requires professional intervention. Focusing your energy on trying to change them will only lead to frustration and exhaustion. Instead, prioritize your own well-being and get some support from friends, family, or a therapist.

10. Don’t isolate yourself.

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According to MindBodyGreen, narcissists can be incredibly isolating. They may try to control your relationships, turn you against your loved ones, or make you feel like you’re the only person who understands them. It’s important to resist their attempts to isolate you and maintain healthy connections with the people who care about you. These relationships will provide you with the support and perspective you need to navigate this challenging situation.

11. Don’t engage in power struggles.

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There’s nothing that narcissists loves more than power and control. They may try to provoke you, manipulate you, or belittle you in order to assert their dominance. Engaging in power struggles with them will only escalate the situation and leave you feeling drained. It’s best to disengage, walk away, or simply refuse to play their game.

12. Don’t let them define your reality.

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Narcissists are skilled at gaslighting, a form of manipulation that makes you question your own sanity. They may deny their actions, twist your words, or accuse you of being overly sensitive or imagining things. It’s important to trust your own instincts and remember that their version of reality is distorted. Get your validation from trusted friends or family members and don’t let them manipulate you into doubting yourself.

13. Don’t try to be perfect.

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You can always rely on a narcissist to set unrealistic expectations and hold people to impossible standards. Trying to be perfect in their eyes is a futile endeavor. They will always find something to criticize or devalue. It’s important to accept your flaws and imperfections and not let their judgment define your worth. Focus on being the best version of yourself, regardless of their approval.

14. Don’t be afraid to walk away.

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If a relationship with a narcissist is causing you extreme emotional stress, don’t be afraid to walk away. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Ending the relationship may be painful, but it’s ultimately the best decision for your well-being. Remember, you’re not responsible for their happiness or their behavior. Focus on taking care of yourself and surrounding yourself with people who lift you up and support you.

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